building.jpgTudor Gate Surgery came into existence in 1985 when the practice moved from Tan House (now Pegasus Court). The doctors at that time were Dr Alfred Bracchi, Dr John David Falkner, Dr Elizabeth Evans and Dr John Plumb. 


Following the move to the present premises, Dr Peter Davies joined in 1985, followed by Dr Robert Bracchi (Dr Alfred's son) in 1989 when Dr Falkner left. When Dr Alfred retired in 1995, he was replaced by Dr Monica Chidgey.


After 10 years with the same faces around, Dr Plumb retired in 2005 closely followed by Dr Evans in 2006. Dr Sarah Neville and Dr Jenny Jones joined us in 2006 as their replacements. In December 2011 we welcomed Dr Howell Simpkins into the practice and Dr Tom Close in 2013. During this period Drs Davies and Bracchi both retired after serving the patients at Tudor Gate. Dr Jenny Jones left the practice in the Spring of 2017. 


At the end of April 2020 Dr Monica Chidgey retired after 25 years at the coal face, supporting the team through the significant Practice Refurbishment of 2017. Drs Shadi Abdel-Gadir and Dr Alisa Lloyd joined us the following month (May 2020) as partners, having both been GP registrars at the practice. 


The nursing has also expanded from the early days we now have a team of four nurses and two Health Care Assistants. We also opened a dispensary in the first few years of moving. We now work as an integrated team and despite changes to our contract with the government reducing our out of hours commitment, we seem to be working harder than ever providing effective services to our patients. We welcome fellow health professionals into our surgery - the Community nurses, St David's Foundation nurse, Counsellors and the Long Term Conditions nurse also visits the surgery regularly.