Our team of Doctors comprise of our four partners - Dr's Neville, Close, Abdel-Gadir and Lloyd., with Dr Edwards as our salaried GP.
We are a teaching practice here at Tudor Gate Surgery, this means we sometimes have GP Registrar's available. GP Registrars are fully qualified doctors who are gaining experience in General Practice.
Dr Sarah Neville (F)

After qualifying from Leeds Medical school in 1995, Dr Neville worked as a Junior doctor in West Yorkshire, followed by GP training in Leeds. She relocated to South Wales in 2000 and worked at Isca medical Centre in Caerleon for 5 years before joining Tudor Gate surgery as a partner in 2006. Her main interests are in Women’s Health and Care of the Elderly. She is heavily involved in GP training, both in the practice as one of our GP trainers, and as the Associate Dean for GP Training for Aneurin Bevan. When she is not in the surgery she is busy supporting and developing training for GPs both here in Aneurin Bevan and across Wales.
Dr Tom Close (m)

After qualifying from Cardiff Medical School, Dr Close spent his junior doctor years in South Wales before joining the GP training scheme in Aneurin Bevan University Health board. He spent some of his training time at Tudor Gate Surgery before becoming a partner in 2013. He has an interest in cardiology having undertaken postgraduate training in 2015 and spends some of his week working for the cardiology department in the hospital. He is one of our GP trainers which involves supervising GP trainees on placement with us at the surgery. He also undertakes joint injection clinics.
Dr Shadi Abdel Gadir (m)

After qualifying from Imperial College London, Dr Abdel-Gadir returned to Wales to work as a junior doctor and later complete his GP training. He started working at Tudor Gate Surgery as a final year GP trainee in 2018 and became a partner in 2020. His areas of interest are Mental Health & Dementia and he is soon to commence his training to become a GP trainer alongside Dr Neville and Dr Close.
Dr Alisa Lloyd (f)

After qualifying from post-graduate medicine at Warwick Medical School, Dr Lloyd went on to work in Bristol before moving to Abergavenny in 2014 to complete GP training. She first joined the practice in 2017 and has been with us ever since, becoming a partner in 2020. She is the family planning lead and is a registered coil and implant fitter. Her interest extents to all women’s health including menopause. She is also the practice safeguarding lead and is involved in teaching Cardiff medical students.
Dr Rosie Edwards (f)

After qualifying from Bristol Medical School Dr Edwards worked in Manchester before moving to South Wales to start GP training in 2016. She took a year out of training in 2018 to work in a rural hospital in South Africa before joining the practice in 2019 to complete her training. She became a salaried GP after this. Her main interest in Women’s Health and she also does joint injection clinics.
Dr Holly Dibble (f)

After qualifying from Birmingham University Medical School in 2015, Dr. Dibble worked in Birmingham before moving to Wales to start GP training in 2018. She joined the practice as a registrar in 2021 before completing her training and taking on a position as a salaried GP in 2023. She has an interest Women’s Health.